Concentration Statement

For my concentration I created a story with two dolls. The story is made humorous by the use of dolls, but the lighting and layout tell a sincere story of two people. The story shows how both "people" start out being lonely and desperate, and they end up finding each other and becoming friends. I used eye level in the photos to make the dolls seem more human sized and real. By shooting photos from the doll's eye level it doesn't make them appear so small. Also, the natural lighting further humanizes the dolls because its clearly outside, because these figures swould not normally be found outside. For principals of design I am focusing on texture, leading lines, color, light, and space. I've chosen this idea because I have seen a lot of people I love go through this same situation.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Starting Points for Concentrations

This week, instead of taking pictures, I did a little research and wanted to share my finds/ ideas:

Ideas and Starting Points for Concentrations
1. mask/s (could include head covered with transparent materials)
2. dolls
3. animals
4. mirrors
5. reflections
6. windows
7. hand close-up
8. eye close-up
9. flowers
10. outdoors at night
11. Shadows
> textures (to layer in double exposures)
> odd juxtapositions
  • Your Own Dreams
  • Mirrors and Reflections
  • My Life in as a Cartoon Character
  • Football (or any sport or hobby) as Religion
  • Consumer and Consuming
  • A Day in the Life of (who?)....
  • Hands (shoes, cars, feet, jewelry, any universal object) as Expressions of the Personality
  • My Personal Relationship with (cars, dogs, food, you name it)
  • Cliques
  • In and Out
  • The Life Cycle of (Anger? Love? Happiness? Despair?)
  • Mathematics in Nature (The Golden Mean, Geometric shapes, Quantities)
  • If Shakespeare where a Texan
  • Hunger
  • The Secret Life of (take one object and take pictures of it in interesting and unusual locations)
  • Struggle, Overcoming Hardship, Achievement
  • The Architecture of Loneliness
  • Finding Peace
  • Cows as Sculpture
  • Car parts as Sculpture
  • Soldiers and Their Families
  • Old Age and Youth
  • Piercing
  • Body Art
  • Narcissism and (Youth, working out, Beauty)
  • Visual Poetry
  • The Line of Beauty
  • Mixed Race and Mixed Messages
Terms of Endearment - you are sweet as sugar,.....etc (student did a series composed of students covered in sugar, etc)
Different signs of luck:  Good & Bad, series of studies that included stepping on a crack, walking under a ladder, cracked mirror etc...and worked with Photoshop to enhance special effects
1. How something (like a plant or animal) changes as it grows/ages
2. Inappropriate choices teenagers make in life
3. Reflections of my face in everyday objects
4. The movement of water
5. Finding beauty in an impoverished environment (such as inner city)
6. Melding image and text to create story images
  1. People's shoes can describe one's unique personality
Portions of the human body seen close up, as studies of form, texture, etc
members of my family through portraits of their feet
Do works showing risk in our lives
“Negative” – Incorporating the physical film negative into imagery with negative connotations.
Ordinary Accidents
Hands demonstrating emotion
Sculptural visual puns (time flies - clock with wings ect.)
7 deadly sins
Animal shelter 
The life of a wooden drawing mannequin
Social/political issues
Masks (interpreted – how do we hide?)
Idioms from the English language such as "punch your lights out", "walk all over me", etc. done in a Surrealism style.
Bareness (both literal and metaphorical)
Things forgotten. Abandoned buildings, old train tracks, etc…
Different generations doing same things

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