Concentration Statement

For my concentration I created a story with two dolls. The story is made humorous by the use of dolls, but the lighting and layout tell a sincere story of two people. The story shows how both "people" start out being lonely and desperate, and they end up finding each other and becoming friends. I used eye level in the photos to make the dolls seem more human sized and real. By shooting photos from the doll's eye level it doesn't make them appear so small. Also, the natural lighting further humanizes the dolls because its clearly outside, because these figures swould not normally be found outside. For principals of design I am focusing on texture, leading lines, color, light, and space. I've chosen this idea because I have seen a lot of people I love go through this same situation.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Trains, Tracks, and Graffiti (part 2)

More photos from this weekend...

In this photo I used photoshop and created two layers with copies of the photo. I made one saturated and contrasted, to be the "living" person. The other photo was made dull and pale, to be the "dead" person. then I erased away some of the living person to "decay" the face.


  1. Zoe-
    Your pictures are very meaningful and are interesting to view! I really enjoy how you work with photoshop to create an even deeper meaning, apart from the original photo. Your pictures are very clear, and the dark/plain background allows for emphasis on the main subject. Nice work!

    -Kayla V.

  2. Zoe-
    These are really beautiful photos, and your unique use of Photoshop makes them even better. They portray a very interesting mood and story.
    Also, I love your over-all theme. It is very unique and I think that you will accomplish it beautifully. I am very excited to see your finished photos.

  3. Zoe, can you make sure your profile and title of this page don't include your last name. I really appreciate you enthusiasm, work ethic and willingness to explore ideas. It's great to see your process and experimentation with editing your photos. All of your images are compelling. Looking forward to seeing the new layered images!
